Founded 1980

Graham Smith
Jan Thompson
Graham Mumby-Croft

Paul Laxton Editor
2015 - 
The Retired Prison Governors
In co-operation with: The Prison Governors Association​

Founded in 1980 by Arthur Williamson - 38 years of continuous publication

14 Autumn 1986
17 Spring 1988
21 Spring 1990
57 Autumn 2007
59 Autumn 2008
61 Autumn 2009
67 Autumn 2012
68 Spring 2013
69 Autumn 2013
70 Spring 2014
71 Autumn 2014
72 Spring 2015
73 Autumn 2015
74 Spring 2016
75 Autumn 2016
76 Spring 2017
77 Autumn 2017
78 Spring 2018
79 Autumn 2018
80 Spring 2019
81 Autumn 2019
82 Spring 2020
83 Autumn 2020
84 Spring 2021
85 Autumn 2021
86 Spring 2022
87 Press Rel 2022
87 Autumn 2022
88 Spring 2023
89 Autumn 2023
90 Spring 2024
91 Autumn 2024

Mick Roebuck Editor
2011 - 2015
The revised and updated version of ‘26 Years Behind Bars: The Recollections of a Prison Governor’ by Paul Laxton, has recently been published by Austin Macauley, and can be ordered from your local bookshop or online. A kindle version is also available.
Written from the perspective of a participant observer, The author gives a unique insight into the modern prison service and the workings of the public sector. The book is educational describing the prison system over three decades in the context of social, political and organisational change, in particular the impact of the decline of deference, the growth of public managerialism, and the rise of identity politics. The final chapter lays bare the current crisis in a service where we were once proud to work.

Brendan O'Friel Editor
1985 - 2011