It is with great sorrow that I report the premature death of Paddy Scriven, founder member, first Finance Officer, and former General Secretary of the Prison Governors Association. Paddy Scriven was one of a small group of brave iconic figures who ensured that the Prison Governors’ Association first of all survived, before it then thrived. Beginning in 1987, Paddy served on the National Executive Committee of the PGA continuously until her retirement at the 2014 Conference. She was truly the most distinguished of our distinguished life members. It was my privilege to serve alongside her on the NEC for three years. I witnessed at first hand her humanity and compassion. There was also no greater repository of knowledge, precedent and procedure than Paddy, who was truly the complete national Trade Union Official. Paddy was also a front rank in-charge Governor, governing HMP Foston Hall from 1997-2007 with real distinction. A full obituary appears on pages 4-7 in this newsletter.
It is with great sorrow that I report the premature death of Paddy Scriven, founder member, first Finance Officer, and former General Secretary of the Prison Governors Association. Paddy Scriven was one of a small group of brave iconic figures who ensured that the Prison Governors’ Association first of all survived, before it then thrived. Beginning in 1987, Paddy served on the National Executive Committee of the PGA continuously until her retirement at the 2014 Conference. She was truly the most distinguished of our distinguished life members. It was my privilege to serve alongside her on the NEC for three years. I witnessed at first hand her humanity and compassion. There was also no greater repository of knowledge, precedent and procedure than Paddy, who was truly the complete national Trade Union Official. Paddy was also a front rank in-charge Governor, governing HMP Foston Hall from 1997-2007 with real distinction. A full obituary appears on pages 4-7 in this newsletter.
As regards this issue I also draw your attention to two reviews of the book written by former in-charge Governor, Harry Crew. Veronica Bird’s autobiography will be reviewed in the next newsletter.
The big forthcoming change is the gradual handover of the "Your Letters" column, the mainstay of this periodical, from Bob Duncan to Roger Outram. Without this column the Newsletter would be just another magazine and I urge you to give Roger the backing you gave Bob, who will also be stepping down from the Committee in June. We can't thank him enough for the service he has given to the Retired Branch. The date and venue of the AGM/Reunion are advertised in the Newsletter and we hope you will give it your support. Old friends will be delighted to see you.
Speaking of Roger, he will be setting up a dedicated Retired Prison Governors Association website. All back editions of the newsletter that are available in PDF will form an archive, and be available to a wider readership, something you may wish to bear in mind when submitting contributions. However, given the high standards of literacy and professionalism of our members I'm sure that anyone from outside the Service would be suitably impressed. I look forward to your continued support of the Newsletter. Some of the pieces I receive are very long, sometimes unavoidably so, but if you are submitting a longer item it would be helpful not to exceed 2,500 words, which equates to around four pages in the Newsletter.
Finally an appeal: if there is a cartoonist out there, please make yourself known. Sometimes a picture can say so much more than words.
I conclude by letting you know that the Autumn Newsletter will be out at the end of October, a little later than usual, so as to fit better with the cycle of Committee meetings.