Founded 1980

Graham Smith
Jan Thompson
Graham Mumby-Croft

Committee 20/10/2015
Committee 05/04/2016
Committee 21/03/2017
Committee 10/10/2017
Committee 09/10/2018
Committee 02/04/2019
Committee 31//03/2020
Committee 14/09/2020
Committee 13/04/2021
Committee 20/07/2021
Committee 12/04/2022
Committee 11/10/2022
Committee 02/05/2023
Committee 09/10/2023
Committee 29-03-2024
Committee 07/11/2024

Minutes of AGM Meetings
Application for Membership
If you dont have on-line banking:
Please click on the link below to download and then complete the form.  Unfortunately most banks wont accept electronic forms and insist on having an original signature.
Having completed the form cut of the Bank section and send it to your bank for their action and send the top section of the form to Harry.
If you do have on-line banking:
Set up your standing Order/Direct debit on line. Click on the link below and  complete the on line form and e-mail it to Harry for his records.
Note: This function is not supported by the Firefox browser but works fine with Edge, Chrome and Opera.
Minutes of Committee Meetings
Jan Thompson
AGM 08/10/2019
AGM 10/11/2020
AGM 12/10/2021
AGM 11/10/2022
AGM 09/10/2023
AGM  07/11/2024