Treasurers Report to Retired Prison Governors Association AGM October 2022
I am pleased to report that 2021 was a stable year for the RPGA finances and although the country finally opened up following the Covid crisis, some of the practices that were forced upon us by lockdown, such as the use of ZOOM to hold meetings, have proved to be a much more economic method of holding committee meetings and one that we have continued to use as a way to meet as frequently as required, yet at little, or no cost. 2021 did see us hold an AGM for the first time since 2019 and once again we continued the practice in which we join the PGA at their Annual Conference reducing our costs significantly, aided by the fact that members have the option to join the AGM via Zoom.
Headline Figures for the 2021 Financial Year.
Total Income for the year £5745.00 (Increase of £313.00 from 2020)
Total Expenditure £4754.76 (Increase of £283.45 from 2020)
Surplus of Income/expenditure £990.24 (Increase of £29.55 from 2020)
Cash Balance at year end £15,218.76
Breakdown of main costs.
The main cost of running the association, in fact almost the whole cost, is in the production and publication of The Newsletter. The cost breakdown for 2021 is as follows. As you will see the
New2letter Autumn 21
Represents 69.5% of total expenditure of the RPGA for the year 2021.
Travel and Subsistence £145.41 The entire cost is for Committee members to attend 3 meetings/year, includes AGM. All travel costs, no subsistence costs paid. This is much reduced due to the fact that throughout the year the committee meetings have taken place on ZOOM.
Room Hire and Catering £0.00 This cost is zero due to the fact that there were no meetings in the year except for the AGM the cost of which is very generously bourne by the PGA.
Donations £525 This figure is higher than normal due entirely to the competition that we ran in the Spring 2021 newsletter where all the prize money and donations were passed to the Motor Neurone Disease Association at the PGA Conference. We continue to send donations to charity when requested to do so by the family of members who pass during the year.
Although these accounts are now 10 months out of date because of the timing of our financial year, I am content that RPGA Finances remain healthy. My recommendation to the committee, and to the AGM is that there is no need to increase subscription rates at this time, but with the caveat that the overall cost of living increase, and inflation in general, which is pushing up costs for printing, stationery and postage and the coming year will undoubtedly see a significant increase in the cost of producing The Newsletter.
Below are the audited and certified accounts for the financial year 1st January 2020 to 31st December
The actual signed documents are available to inspect on request, and I am happy to take
questions either directly at the AGM, or by post, Graham Mumby-Croft, 15 Thirsk Drive, Lincoln, LN6 8SZ
or email
If you want to see the full accounts document an e-mail to the Treasurer will secure you one.
G.S. Mumby-Croft Treasurer,
Retired Prison Governors Association.
Date 9th March 2022