Founded 1980

Graham Smith
Jan Thompson
Graham Mumby-Croft

Graham Mumby-Croft
 Issue No. 77 Autumn 2017
At this year's AGM, in my Treasurers Report once again I had to report that there had been an operating deficit for the 2016 financial year of £704.86. This makes it the third year in a row that I have had to report an operating deficit: however, I am hopeful that the measures I have put into place regarding the cost of the diaries and membership subscriptions will see us return to the black if not this year, then next.

The good news is that the exercise to review subscriptions has not resulted in a significant loss of members: indeed the number taking the opportunity to increase their subscriptions and retain their membership was quite heartening.

Despite the deficit the finances still remain relatively healthy with a cash balance in the bank, (as of 31/12/16) of £9267-97p., which at current rates of running costs/income ensures that we will remain
“solvent” for some time to come.

It is also worth noting that as a result of this exercise the number of diaries ordered for 2017 was 100 less than in previous years, and we will be able to reduce this further as in 2017 we allowed some spares to account for anyone we had missed or misinterpreted their requirements. With the increase in subscription rates, the diaries should now be self-financing.

As part of the exercise to tackle the subscription issue I wrote to all the members that a change in rate would affect, and this included a number of members who were still paying their subscriptions into the original Lloyds account, which is called “Retired Governors Newsletter”. Whilst I did receive replies from several members who have now cancelled their payments into this account, there was a number from whom I received no response, and indeed I am still receiving some payments into this account. I have therefore proposed to the Committee that with effect from October 2017 I intend to close the old Lloyds account and transfer any funds from this account into the Barclay’s current account.

If you are a member of long standing, and originally paid your subscriptions to the RPGA into a Lloyds account (reference Retired Governors Newsletter) then please check to ensure that you are not still paying into this account, and if so please cancel any standing order. Once I close the account this will mean that any standing orders still in place to pay into this account will be bounced back to the originating bank. If you still wish to remain a member and are not already paying subscriptions of £13/year into the Barclay’s account then you will need to complete a new standing order mandate. If this is the case then please let me know and I will forward the paperwork to you.

You can either email me at or you can write to me at 15 Thirsk Drive, North Hykeham, Lincoln, LN6 8SZ.

In the last issue, I raised the matter of the Benevolent Fund in order to try to generate some ideas about how we can make use of this, and raise some income for what is a static account at the moment. There has been little movement on this, and I do have to say that the response has been somewhat “underwhelming”. I am however happy to report that the fund is now £50 better off owing to the generous donation from a member of a subscriptions overpayment which was due. Thank you to that member for your generosity.