Founded 1980

Graham Smith
Jan Thompson
Graham Mumby-Croft

 Issue No. 87 Autumn 2022
From the chair

Welcome to the autumn 2022 edition of the RPGA Newsletter which is again edited by Paul Laxton, and I know Paul would welcome contributions from all members especially with pictures.

Well, we seem to have the dreaded virus in a holding pattern and yes we thought it was the light at the end of the tunnel but blow me if it wasn’t another train coming towards us with so many carriages labelled NHS, inflation, energy crisis, new Prime minister, drought, airport chaos, strikes etc. etc. The good news is that the country is enjoying a warm summer and we are already complaining about that too-what are we like?

Still holidays *sorry-trips+ are back on the agenda especially when the kids are back at school and can I recommend Madeira for your enjoyment apart from the odd scary landing at Funchal airport. We have been going there for some years and recently had 3 weeks there, very relaxing. We then got back and moved house into a new build, very stressful! We still haven’t found the white pepper it is probably in a box of shoes or lost forever. If we buy a new one the old one will turn up prompt, you can bet.

Cricket and football are running together at the moment *August+ and we went to Scarborough to watch Yorkshire *I’m a member+ play Worcestershire and got a bit sunburnt, very unusual it is often freezing in the braising east wind. What about the football? don’t ask.
We again join the PGA conference for our AGM at The Radisson Blue Hotel near East Midlands Airport in October and I hope some of you can attend we would be delighted to see you either in person or via good old Zoom , details on the website .

Your committee continue to oversee, develop and promote your RPGA and your views, stories

and ideas are always appreciated. The association continues to be stable, and we are always available to members if we can help in any way.
Graham Smith, RPGA Chairman

Graham Smith  RPGA Chairman. 

Graham Smith JP